You cannot message anyone or read messages or use this application unless you pay! Crap app! Not spending my money without a probationary trial period first!
Scam app, horrible
Scam app, horrible. Works like crap, slow af. The support team sounds like bots, mod bots ban's people for noreason from random pplos reports even they wouldn't mean anything. I can't understant how is this app even here anymore. The devs also made profiles of random people facebook profiles without…
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It’s crap
It's crap that you have to "subscribe" to be able to see a message sent to you, the same for wanting to reply.
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I have used OKCupid for a few years. It progressively gets worse, but at this point I do not know how it could get worse, but it probably will. The site sends me messages that someone messaged me. But does not tell me who. And there are no messages in…
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